Sapirstein Rashi Bereishis- Student Edition

Sapirstein Rashi - Medium/Student Size- Bereshis

The ever popular and widely acclaimed Sapirstein Edition of Rashi is now available in a new, economically priced, student-sized version. The Sapirstein Edition Rashi presents the classic commentary on the Torah with a level of clarity and understanding that you never thought possible. What textual difficulty troubled Rashi? Why did he choose a particular comment? How does the TorahÆs language indicate RashiÆs pÆshat? Anyone who studies Rashi will have questions like these, and this brilliant treatment, that includes questions, answers, sources and elucidations, has won praise the world over.Now, it is available in an edition that is conveniently sized for those wishing to read it on the train, carry it in a handbag, or bring it along to shul. It is significantly less expensive than the previous 7öx10ö edition and can still be purchased either individually or as a 5-volume slip-cased set.

Sapirstein Rashi Bereishis- Student Edition
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