Now in a Pocket Size!
A new "chinuch" siddur for the early grades, designed in consultation with scores of principals and primary-grade teachers. Unsurpassed in beauty, sturdiness, and design. Large, clear type; reinforced binding; numbered lines; simplified instructions in English; wide spaces between lines; prayers for the Sabbath, Festivals and High Holy Days; Torah readings for weekdays, fast days and Festivals; and more. Now with library reinforced binding
Catalog #PSCHAISBN-10: 1422622495ISBN #: 9781422622490Format: HardcoverPages: 494Dimensions:4 x 6 x 0.846 inches / Weight:0.6 LBSPublished By: ArtScroll Mesorah PublicationsRelease Date: 12/05/2018Prayer Book Nusach: AshkenazSize : Pocket SizeColor: BlueLanguage: HebrewNow in a Pocket Size!
A new "chinuch" siddur for the early grades, designed in consultation with scores of principals and primary-grade teachers. Unsurpassed in beauty, sturdiness, and design. Large, clear type; reinforced binding; numbered lines; simplified instructions in English; wide spaces between lines; prayers for the Sabbath, Festivals and High Holy Days; Torah readings for weekdays, fast days and Festivals; and more. Now with library reinforced binding